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My name is Johnny Graf

I founded 4HumanGood Inc. after 25 years of serving public education as a teacher, coach, and leader. My mission in life is to continue to transform the lives of the humans that I work with. My magic lies in my ability to see opportunity in all things creative, imaginative, and curious. I believe that we are always more alike than we are different and seeing each other in our zone of genius moves us all forward. Removing thought obstacles is my greatest strength. I approach life with an abundant mindset and help others to do the same. As they say, “A rising tide lifts all ships.”

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“Johnny has a powerful gift of connecting to and uncovering the potential for greatness.  His coaching brought me to my true self.  I was able to feel empowered to grow and heal on a deep level. He shined a light on my shadows and gave me the tools to find my strength and power to move through them. Through his guidance I gained the clarity I needed to step into my personal freedom.  His intuitive approach was the perfect remedy to my ever evolving needs for support and autonomy. I felt truly seen and heard and cared for. Take the leap into your own growth and potential.  You will thank yourself immensely.”

- Raychel

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